
" . "Your registration information was sent to the organizers (" . "" . ").

"; if (filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $content_user = "Dear Sir or Madam,\n\n" . "we are happy that you registered for the Code Sprint 2020!\n\n" . "Below is a copy of your registration information:\n\n" . "First name:\n" . $_POST['first_name'] . "\n\n" . "Last name:\n" . $_POST['last_name'] . "\n\n" . "Email:\n" . $_POST['email'] . "\n\n" . "Telephone:\n" . $_POST['tel'] . "\n\n" . "Institution:\n" . $_POST['institution'] . "\n\n\n" . "We will keep you updated and are looking forward to meet in June!\n\n" . "Best regards,\n" . "The Code Sprint organizers"; mail($_POST['email'], "[Code Sprint 2020] Your registration", $content_user, $header); } } else { ?>

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